ArcheoRoma / Events / Van Gogh Experience

Van Gogh Experience

4 November - 31 March 2024

Van Gogh Experience. Next Museum, Rome

Next Museum, Rome

Suitable for adults, children, art experts or even just lovers of emotions, Van Gogh Experience is the exhibition that involves a multi-sensory experience of art in the real world with an interactive journey designed to let the visitor be enveloped by the famous works of Dutch artist.

The exhibition is designed in rooms that alternate rooms and interactive spaces in a combination of digital art, educational content and new virtual reality experiences. A unique and exciting immersive adventure which, thanks to the use of the most advanced technologies, comes to life in the over one thousand square meters of exhibition where the spectator molds himself entirely into the canvases, transforming himself into the protagonist of them.

Absolute masterpieces in virtual reality

Here we are catapulted among the absolute masterpieces of the master of color such as The Starry Night,The Sunflowers,Starry Night over the Rhone,the Self-portrait,The potato eaters,Wheat field with crowsand the Bedroom in Arles, reproduced with virtual reality .

Floors, walls and columns are invaded by 40 high definition projectors that paint van Gogh’s works on them. Visitors, among the vibrant colors of Van Gogh’s palette, seem to be walking on his paintings. “Underfoot the pebbles he painted, between his fingers the dazzling yellow of his thousand sunflowers.”. A magical 40 minutes flying through the works that the painter created between 1880 and 1890.

Take selfies and souvenir photos

This museum, unlike the others, is the ideal place to take selfies and unforgettable souvenir photos inside Vincent’s works, being able to share your experience on social media, even using the museum’s official channels.

A further section of virtual reality allows, through the latest generation virtual reality viewer, to perceive with the eyes of Van Gogh as he observes the world and draws inspiration from the landscapes most familiar to him.

The event is an international production of Next Exhibition, in collaboration with the Dreams Cultural Association and with the patronage of the Culture Department of the Municipality of Rome strong>.

From Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm; Saturday from 10am to 8pm; Sundays and holidays from 10am to 6pm
Last entry allowed into the exhibition one hour before closing time.

Full price €15.70 online, €14.50 box office; Reduced €13.70 online, €12.50 box office

Saturday, Sunday and holidays: Full price €17.70 online, €16.50 box office; Reduced €15.70 online, €14.50 box office

Group concessions/CRAL (minimum 15 people): €11.70 online, €10.50 box office

Reduced Schools (minimum 15 students): €9.70 online, €8.50 box office

OPEN (open date ticket): €18.70 online, €17.50 box office

Free children under 6 years old; disabled companions (where required by certificate)

VR experience
accessory ticket at a cost of €3

List of Reductions
University students, over 65s, under 12s, disabled people, law enforcement agencies, CRAL and Partners

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